Monday, July 12

St Nicholas Day 2009

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I *Heart* these kids!  :0)

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The older kids had a great time giving Columweil rides in his walker…. and he enjoyed them too

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Brody was so sweet Loving on Hudson

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Trying to get a good picture of all the grandkids is not an easy task!!


We weren’t sure who was going to open their present first, I don’t exactly remembered how it went down, but Brody got to open his first because he was the only person not asking to open it first (that or he was the only one that obeyed when we told them to sit down and wait)  either way he was really proud.  Mamoo asked who that person was and he raised his hand and said ‘Me’!!

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As the tradition goes they all got matching pj’s and robes!  This year we had to sew our own since we couldn’t find any pj’s (that didn’t cost an arm and a leg) for 7 kids ranging from 6 years old to 6 months old!

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Loving the faces Brodes! 

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While we had a snack the shoes got filled! 

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The kids were so excited to see what was in their shoes!


Monkey George

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and Princess coloring books

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And neckerchiefs from Gramma Murphy

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And we finished out the evening with Cake to celebrate Harrisons birthday!

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