Wednesday, February 2

Snow day!!


These were taken first thing this morning.  It is a lot of snow, but I am disappointed that we didn’t have more!


The table is on a raised patio… but you can’t tell anymore.


Deric working on plowing the driveway.


I’m super impressed with the neighbors snow piles.  I know the kids are going to be in them soon!

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I love these two pictures, Louie looks so hilarious!!

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The 4wheeler got stuck in the snow and we couldn’t get it out.  We finally had to pull it out with the truck!  (It’s a good thing he plowed out the garage before getting stuck.)


Here’s some picts of Louie for all of you that wanted to see him

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I love him trying to get through the snow drifts


…and then trying to jump over them


I wish he would have sunk all the way, that would have been funny… (he sunk a little but is light enough to not sink too far)


This last one isn’t in focus, but I love that I caught him with his tongue out and mid jump.  Ha-haa!