Thursday, August 5

Happy (really, REALLY) belated birthday Reygann!

Happy 5th Birthday Rooter-Schmooter!!   Your birthday fell on a day you weren’t at school, so we had the WHOLE day to celebrate!  …and the whole day to wait till daddy gets home to open your presents! 

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After opening presents we went out for your birthday dinner.  You chose Red Robin, yumm!


There was a surprise waiting for us when we got there…


Red was there!!  You were a little leery at first… but Brody ran right up to him and gave him such a hug that he knocked Red over!   After he broke the ice, you and Kylie gave him hugs too and thought it was pretty cool that he brought us to our table.


Brody traumatized himself and was scared of Red the rest of the night! 

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You were such a sweetie and shared your ice cream with daddy

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…and daddy shared his lemon with you!  Actually you really wanted his lemon and he let you have it, you love it.  You are like your mama that way.  :0)


Brody was so scared he was going to see Red when we left he hung his head and booked it to the door!


We had your birthday party on Saturday, a lot of our friends were able to make it out.

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