Sunday, April 19


I posted something! Did you see that! Crazy isn't it? I'm not sure why I'm not blogging much, I'm thinking it's just because I am trying to wrap so much stuff up right now! And I like checking blogs too. I really need to get one of those handy things where it lets you know if a blog you read has been updated, it would really save me time! Do any of you have any suggestions?

The house is pretty much the same... We are working on landscaping right now, but I really don't have a clue what I'm doing so researching and stuff is really taking up my time! Gurr. The pavers are in, now we can finally build the stairs on the porch and deck! Yea! I can't wait for people to come over and not have to walk through the garage! I'm still waiting for Deric to hang a few things for me... granted I haven't asked again for a bit... I should. It would be nice to have them up.

Yeah, I think that's all for now, sorry!


jodes said...

Go to your blog layout section. Click on "Add a Gadget" click on "Blog List" and insert the blogs you read. It'll keep you up to date on their blogs and when they last updated.

Also, on your Dashboard, under the section that has all the blogs you write, there will be a section taht says "Reading List" You can add blogs there too.

Michelle said...

Glad that things are going well! I love the pictures of Brody trying to hold the tv baby. :)