Friday, August 28

CPCS Open House

Monday was the open house at school.  The girls were so excited to see their classrooms and to meet their teachers.  Since it was Reygann’s first year we let her pick whose class we would check out first.  And of course she picked her own! 


It didn’t take long for her to find her ‘desk’

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Of course we had to take a picture with her teacher


…and with her daddy!

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Last year they had so many students they ran out of lockers and had to convert this closet into a place for kids to put their stuff!   Reygann is pointing to where she puts her stuff.


Kylie was being a great big sister and was giving Reygann the full tour of her new school.


Then Kylie finally got to meet her new teacher.  This is actually the teachers first year at our school, so they will be learning together!

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Kylie was thrilled to have a desk this year.  An actual desk, that opens!  Woah!!

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Man has she grown (and grown!)!!  WOW!

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This is the first year that she is just Kylie, not Kylie Wi.  I think she would rather be Kylie Wi again if that meant Kylie We was back in her class.  Sniff, sniff.


Ohh, I love this picture of Reygann!  It’s so yummy!!


This is also yummy!


After Kylie’s Pre-K open house we took her out for ice cream (just her, the others were at home), the next year she remembered, so after her Kindergarten open house we went back.  So of course we had to go again!

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(Proof that Kylie was with us!  I guess you get less pictures when you are sitting next to the person with the camera instead of across from them!)


Those 2 make me laugh a little, we have some goofy kids!


A great end to a great evening!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow! So fun! I love that you made is so special for them. It looks like they are going to have a great year! And I just can not get over how beautiful your daughters are!