Monday, March 15

Here comes braces!

…at least that what I think is coming.


She’s got great teeth.  They are all nicely in a row with out any gaps…


but now that her second tooth is loose I’m realizing that having gaps might have been a good thing! 


The tooth on the right was on the one she lost before, the one on the left is loose now.


I’m hoping the new tooth will move up into place, but even if it does I don’t think there is going to be enough room for it to fit in there!  We have a regular dentist visit in a month, I’m betting he is going to have something to say about this.  They don’t start braces when you still have baby teeth, right?  I had braces, the orthodontist told me I needed a whole new mouth!  Ack! 


Michelle said...

Oh, I hope no braces! Although, I was always sad that I never got them, and just got stuck with glasses. And sorry about Brody's hair! I'm still waiting for one of my kids to chop their hair.

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

I had my first set of braces with baby teeth to start the process!