Thursday, May 13

Dentist Visit

Last week I took the kids for their yearly dentist visits.  Brody has been to the dentist a few times, but we have never gotten past cleaning 1 or 2 teeth.  I thought for sure he was going to freak out again, and we would skip the rest… but he surprised me!  He was such a good boy, he even had the infamous “dentist mumble” down.  :0) 

Dentist Dentist-1 Dentist-2 Dentist-3

He was a HUGE fan of the spit sucker!  (Total boy!)


I love how little he is in the chair


Thumbs up for a job well done (and no cavities!).   He was so happy he got to pick a prize out of the treasure box, the whole day he told me he was going to pick a blue car.  When we got to the box there really wasn’t anything good, but WAY under everything there it was one car left… and it was blue, he was so happy.  Apparently all you need is a little faith… oh and he also picked out a gigantic diamond ring!  That’s my boy!


Jessica said...

Awww..good job buddy! Love that kid.

Michelle said...

Love that proud little face and the thumbs up! SO great! And I love that God hid that little blue car just for him...and the diamond ring sounds like just what Caleb would pick! :)

Unknown said...

His good behavior is rewarded with the exact toy he wanted. Hopefully, that will motivate him to become more enthusiastic in your succeeding dental trips. Is he still freaking out from the thought of going to the dentist? I hope that’s no longer the case. I’m sure he’ll warm up to the idea if he has always something to look forward to in every trips.

Kenny Green @ Anchorage Healthy Smile