Tuesday, June 8

Got Coffee?

I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but if you are you should consider helping my sister and her husband out.   They are in the process of adopting for Ethiopia, by buying coffee you can help them on their Journey to Baby Boz.  Part of the sale of the coffee will go towards their adoption!  Just go to http://www.justlovecoffee.com/bosman to place your order.  You can read more about their adoption on their adoption blog.



Jodes and Boz said...

WHOA! I was so surprised to see this here!! THANK YOU SO MUCH JULES!!!!! What a fun surprise this was. :-)

Joanie, Billy, Harrison, Haven, Hudson, and Holden said...

WHAT?! how come i didn't know about this?!?!?! hello?? who is the coffee drinker in the family?!