Thursday, June 24

Schools out for the Summer!

The last full day of school the whole school had award programs for the different classes.  The girls wanted to wear the same outfits from the first day of school, I had no problem with that and kinda liked the idea so I could really see how much they have grown.  And man have they Grown

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Reygann’s program was first thing in the morning.  We sat in the second row since we went right in after dropping the girls off, but it would have been better it we were on the other side.  Bummer. 

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See?  Here she is the first child called for Perfect Attendance, getting a certificate from the principal and all we can see is the Principal’s bottom, Reyganns legs, and the music stand!  *sigh*  I didn’t realize she was getting it so I didn’t warn her.  Right after the program started they called her name and she kinda froze like a deer in the headlights!   She was like ‘what am I supposed to do now?!  And how do I get down?’


After getting back in her spot she shot me a proud grin.


I lover her sweet little dazed face here.  :0)


Thankfully someone thought to move the music stand, so we can actually see Reygann getting her certificate for completing Pre-Kindergarten.  Yea, Reygann!  (Although they did put the wrong info on it, oops!)


And here  :0)

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Reygann and her Teacher and Aide.


Each child got one of these, they say something special about the child.  Reygann’s said she “knows the alphabet letters and sounds”

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Kylie’s Program wasn’t until after lunchtime, we got there early again but then had to move to make way for the classes.  Bummer again!   Kylie was sitting right in front of us and the kids never went on stage or anything so I really didn’t get pictures of her. 


Getting her award for participating in the Book it program.

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I watched her until she turned around and saw me wanting to take her picture.  Some stinky little kid kept putting his paper in front of her to be a pain.  Yes, he was doing it on purpose!  He would look at me a grin every time! 

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One last picture with her Teacher and Aide.  Sniff, sniff.  We are going to miss them… but we are going to enjoy our Summer too!  :0)


'becca said...

do we get first day/last day side-by-side comparisons? :)

Jessica said...

yeah, i wondering the same thing. if these are the different pictures then they look exactly the same to me. :)

Michelle said...

Love the pictures of your beautiful girls...and I did have to smile at your stinky kid comment! :)