Tuesday, September 21

Dresser Redo part 2


It’s lookin’ pretty good isn’t it?  I’m loving it and know it is going to look great in the girls room.  After all the work I put into preparing the dresser I was ready to slap some paint on it and call it done!


But of course it is never that easy is it?  I primed it, painted it, and painted it again.  For the most part it looked great… except the ends.  The darker color kept leaking through.  So I painted it, and painted it again. 

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It looked pretty good so I put one more coat on it and called it done!  I scraped off all the paint off the mirror (I decided to not even try to tape it off and to just be careful… being careful didn’t work so well!)  But then I decided I didn’t like the finish, I wanted it to be a little more glossy!  So I dug out another can of paint and put two coats on it to play it safe.  And yes, I then had to scrape the mirror off again!  

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After letting her sit a few days to make sure she was really dry she came in!  I spray painted the old hardware and used them again.  The dresser was missing 1 knob when I got it, so I bought crystal ones from Hobby Lobby, and I LOVE them!  I really wanted to ‘decorate’ her, but I wanted her to be the girls to do with what they wanted so I didn’t.  On went their piggy banks, and lamp and we were good to go!


It was worth it though.  Doesn’t she look pretty?  *sigh*  :0)


Rebecca said...

You are one AMAZING and TALENTED woman!

'becca said...

awesome job, jules!

Jodes and Boz said...

she's gorgeous!