Wednesday, October 13

Reygann’s first day of school

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Happy first day of school Reygann!


Standing in her line


She put her bag down at the end of the line and went off to play.  She came back when the bell rang and couldn’t find her bag, it wasn’t at the end of the line!!   Of course more people got in line after her while she was playing, so after a little panic she found her stuff about halfway up the line.  (I think someone had the first day of school jitters!)

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I left her a quick note on her wipe board, although it didn’t last long!  :0)


Sitting at her ‘desk’

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And of course I took her picts by the sign too!


When we got home I asked her what she learned…  this is what she did.  Can you tell what it is?   No?  It’s WOW (get it?), glad I am paying so much for her to go here!  :0)

1 comment:

Jodes and Boz said...

i like the picture of her sitting at her desk, she looks so grown up.