Friday, October 15

Stuff for the girls room


I found this adorable monogram for the girls room, but I just wasn’t digging the color.  It was just a little too boring for me so I put it back.  But I just loved the scrolley shape of the initial and soft lines on the frame, so I figured I could help it go from good to great!


I found myself some awesome scrapbook paper and knew it would be perfect to make it POP!


The one thing I didn’t think through was the fact that there was no way to open it!  DOH!!  It was obvious where the ‘box’ had been glued to the frame so I took a knife and popped them apart. 


Then I just glued it back together when I was done.


…but I used a little too much prying on Reyganns and I broke the glass, oops!  (Nothing a quick trip to the hardware store couldn’t fix.)


While I was there I picked up this frame with plans to make it over also. 

 BeforeAndAfter-6 BeforeAndAfter-7

I got another paper for this one and a pack of stickers


And came up with this. 


I must not have taken a before picture of this one, but it was black and hot pink and said DIVA on it.  So of course I covered it with scrapbook paper and stickers!  I used little puffy things so they would stand off the sign, it really adds dimension to it.

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…and here’s what they look like now!  Pretty cute if I do say so!  :0)

1 comment:

Jodes and Boz said...

INCREDIBLE JULIE!!! Seriously, great work. i love the paper you used for the sister pictures.

You need to do stuff like this for me.