Wednesday, September 23

Hunting Camp

We took the kids down to the hunting camp a bit ago, Deric wanted to check on his stuff so we thought it would be fun for the kids so we tagged along with him.


We forgot sunglasses at home and daddy only had a few pairs in the truck so Reygann got to wear the super cool daddy glasses! 

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This is one of the ‘roads’ you have to drive on to get there, basically it’s just a path through the woods.


It opens up into a corn field you have to hug the edge of the woods till the corner of the field and then go through a few trees before opening up into another field where the guys stay. 


Ah, Camper Sweet Campers  (Snort, yeah right!  I’ll show you more camper picts later on)


The kids loved the huge swing! 


It was a good thing too, there wasn’t anything else to play with!  We brought a few trucks for Brody to play with but that’s it.


This is where they eat and hang out.  There used to be a cover on the frame, but I don’t think there has been one in a few years.  There is a grill in the shed and they keep some stuff in there.  It used to be that all the guys would eat together and this is where they got dinner ready, but now they don’t do that anymore so they just make dinner in their own campers, they still hang out here though.


Brody was so cute playing with his truck, he would load sticks in it and drive them somewhere and unload them and pick up different sticks and bring them somewhere else.


Ha-haa checking out the porta potty!  Just kidding, they don’t use it anymore.


They built themselves an outhouse!


I think Kylie’s face here says it all!  Ewww!!


What you really can’t see is the wet spot between Deric’s feet


The potty has seen better days (see the hole now?)  But Deric built a new potty so they shouldn’t have problems with that anymore.


I thought these pictures of the girls on the swing were so sweet.  Look at them telling secrets… oh wait no their not.  Kylie is telling Reygann she needed to get off the swing because it was her turn to swing by herself now!  Never would have guessed, huh?  I do love Reyganns face in the last pict!

Brody had fun doing boy stuff, he spend a lot of time hanging out and looking for bugs.


There was snap weeds down by the creek, the kids had fun playing with them and snapping them apart.


Deric and his dad shot a can on the other side of the creek

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Kylie looked for treasures


Reygann and Brody watched

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Then I took a turn shooting the can, I took a few shot and hit it every time!  Oh yeah!  I used to shoot all the time, apparently I still have a little of it!

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Brody was just standing there looking at the creek, but the way he’s standing it kinda looks like he is taking a leak!

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The girls were making a snap weed sand pies, yumm.


Yeah, not too thrilled about this one… this tick was on daddy, but I later found one on Reygann too!  Eek!  That was enough to keep me from wanting to go back!


Brody found this stick and kept calling it his ‘letter G’ stick!  We’ll need to work on that…


Brody had a blast playing with the shell casings.  Actually all the kids did, but Brody played with them the longest.  He would set them up, sing happy birthday to himself, and then blow them over!  It was super cute.


Here it is, Deric’s camper sweet camper.

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Yep, that’s it.


Leaving the campers behind.


Kylie played with her pinwheel in the car


Brody fell asleep playing with his ball

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And Reygann fell asleep with her pinwheel

The kids got a kick out of the windmill things on our way down



We passed this on our way home, Brody was sleeping and didn’t get to see it.  He would have loved it, it was HUGE.


See?  HUGE!  (That’s a pickup truck in the pict!) HuntingCamp-80

We stopped at a drive in and got ice cream, yummy!!

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I like that if you look closely you can see everyone in this pict.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Great pictures and some sweet family fun! I love the swinging pictures...look so sweet but we know the truth! :)