Tuesday, October 20

Apple Picking

The last weekend in September we went apple picking.  This year Brody was old enough to really enjoy himself and help out too.  (More like help himself to the apples, I can’t tell you how many we found with bite marks in them!)


Taking the wagon out to the field ApplePicking2009-1

We actually passed up the first wagon that came so we  could take the horse drawn wagon.  The kids loved it, and hung over the side watching the horses.


See, eating apple!


Picking apple


Kylie too


All the kids got to climb a tree so I took their picts up there too.

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Helping Daddy out…


…and helping Brody out

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And eating another apple… He couldn’t even put it down for a picture!  :0)

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There is a train track that runs on the other side of the orchard, Brody loved seeing the train and we all stopped to watch it.

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Soon as I saw the ladder I knew I *had* to take the kids picture on it.  I have a picture of me and my Great Grandpa sitting on a ladder in an apple orchard.  Ideally I would have wanted each kid by themselves on the ladder, but I didn’t want to push it!

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I love how they all look grumpy here!

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I was NOT pleased as this guy almost landed on me!  And then again when I was taking his picture he flew off (towards me) and I screamed!  I’m such a girl!


This guy was kinda cool… as long as he didn’t come near me that is!

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Would these be considered ‘road apples’?


I picked this apple it had these 2 dents in it from being smashed on the branch.  It was actually kinda hard to pick, it was smashed on there so tightly.  The skin wasn’t broken or bruised either, just dented in… I thought it was kinda neat.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Love all the fun apple pictures! And I do love the kiddos on the ladder! You have a great eye for pictures. I also enjoyed that your orchard was green and lush compared to our California one that was mainly dirt with some trees. :)