Monday, November 16


Kylie lost her first tooth last night, and then lost it tonight!!!  We went to Pizza Hut for dinner to celebrate Daddy coming home, her tooth, and we had her Book-it to use.  When we were there I saw that Kylie had the baggie her tooth had been in in her purse, and it was OPEN!!!  Ack!  I took everything out slowly one at a time and didn't find it.  I looked through everything again, and we looked on the floor and all around with no luck.  There was a chance it could be at home (since that is where she put the open bag in her purse), so when we got home I crawled around the family room and looked in the foyer (the 2 places she said she was with it) and didn't find it!  I mean seriously, the cat lost a tooth and we found it!

I didn't give up, and I finally found it!!  Under the kitchen table!  I have no idea how it got there, but I am just thrilled that I found it!!  Crisis averted, shew!  Humm, this isn’t the first time Kylie almost lost a tooth… Anyone remember the first time??  Sigh!  (Pictures coming soon, Promise!)


Devin said...

Whoooooooo hooooooooo!

So glad you found it :).

Michelle said...

Glad you found your missing tooth! :0)