Sunday, February 28

I am SO grossed out!!!

The girls were outside playing in the snow before lunch today, I called them to come in and Reygann told me they had something to show me and Kylie was getting it.   I asked if it was an animal and she said no.  I really had no idea what it could have been since they are always bringing home treasures.   Imagine my surprise when Kylie walks into the kitchen (while we are still cooking) holding a dead bird!  Yes, a DEAD BIRD!  ACK!!!  Umm, how is a dead bird not an animal??  *Shudder*  I may have freaked out just a tiny bit telling her to get it out and not to touch ANYTHING!!  I had Daddy scrub their hands, then had them use sanitizer, and honestly I’m still grossed out!  I would have made them wear gloves to eat if I think they could have!   Ewwww!!!!

1 comment:

Devin said...

I am FREAKING out!


I would have died. Just died! So glad my boys haven't done that...yet....