Sunday, April 18

Tyler’s Tender

There is a local restaurant  that is all about trains, I had forgotten about it and when I remembered it I KNEW we had to take Brody (again, if this even counts).   He was in AWE, it was so cute.  The girls loved it too, but this was for Brody. 

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My little ham


At times he was so excited and at other times he was just looking around and soaking it all in


One of the best parts was there was a train that brought you your food (if you are sitting at the counter that is). 


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They had a big display in the middle of the restaurant that had a few different tracks on it, there were controls on the sides so the kids could make them work.  They all had fun making them go.

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Of course we rode the coin train, but we also went on the big train ride!  There is an arcade now too and we got to “play” all those games too.  We actually let them play a few, but Brody had the most fun with the ones we didn’t pay for, like the driving game or the shooting game.  Since the screen is always ‘playing’ he thought he was playing the game!  Ha-haa, works for us! 


Rebecca said...

Where is this? My guys would love it!

Julie said...

Schererville, right on 30.