Wednesday, March 4

He's at it again

If you are on Facebook you all ready know that we had yet another trip to the ER last week. We were of course working on the house, I took all the doors off the hinges so I could stain them easier. Brody kept playing with them and wouldn't leave them alone for the life of him! The little buggar was starting to drive me crazy! I finally finished all my staining and got busy making dinner. Deric kept working on his stuff and grabbed Brody when it was dinner time. He started to change his diaper because he was dirty, and he must have had something in his mouth because he started to choke! Like really choke! Deric picked him up (bare bottomed) and started smacking him on his back. He quit choking, but nothing came out! We weren't really sure if he was choking on something or if he was just choking on spit or something (it goes down the wrong pipe sometimes you know!) I immediately started saying that it had to be a screw, he was messing with them all day and it just had to be a screw. Deric kinda remembered hearing something clinking in his mouth and said it sounded like something plastic. We asked Brody, but he was no help at all! And every time we suggested something he agreed that was what it was. We could have said it was an elephant and he would have said yes! Dinner was already ready at this point so we sat down and ate and discussed what we should do. Brody had NO loss of appetite so we were still stumped. I finally decided to call the pediatrician to see what their vote was. We pretty much knew what they were going to say, but we didn't really want to waste money on the ER if we didn't have to. Of course they said we should go so I finished his bath (we threw all the kids in while we were waiting for the call back) and put his jammies on and headed out the door (an hour after bedtime). Triage was a little rough, my crazy man wouldn't sit till for them to check his blood pressure or his oxygen saturation, seriously it was at least a half hour of trying! They were finally satisfied and they let him walk around a little. He had a great time flirting with a girl down the hall with a sprained ankle, and messing around on the scale. He did get away and turned off one of the computers, oops!! They were really cool about it though, shew! It was half their fault, they were letting him push the buttons on the machines... :0) They finally got us our own room and we waited for the Dr to come in, the nurse turned on the tv for us but of course there was nothing on for him at the hour. We did our best and finally they came to get us for x-rays, Brody went behind the wall to get some stickers from the technician and I got to peek at the screen. Of course they couldn't confirm anything, but hello it was clear as day! They walked us back to our room to wait again, and a bit later the Dr came back and said he wanted another view so back we went to x-ray again! After he viewed it he has us join him and showed it to us. He said that there was no way he could have ate the screw 2 hours ago, it had already passed through his stomach, intestines (all 23 feet of them!), and most of his colon! He said that it usually takes 5 hours to pass through the stomach! I told him that I had just taken the screws out and it had really only been 2 hours! While we were there in the nurses station Brody had climbed up at the desk next to where we were and picked up the phone and started jabbering away, the young Dr next to us thought he was so cute (along with everyone else in the nurses station!) and asked him to page Dr so and so for him and Brody was happy to help! Since the screw had already made it so far they didn't want to go in and get it they decided to see if it would actually make it out on it's own. They did warn me if he started acting like he was in pain or started bleeding or anything like that that we had to come in immediately and we would most likely need to be air lifted to a children's hospital! They finally discharged us and we were on our way home. I postponed work for the next day since I didn't know what to expect and we were supposed to give our pediatrician a call. So we tried to have a relaxing day we decided to not go in to the dr's office, there really wasn't a reason to there was nothing that they could do so we opted to not go. We did have an interesting morning as we were trying to get Kylie off to school (Check out the pictures below)! It took 2 days for it to finally pass, and he seemed to pass it without any problems! He is one crazy little guy, and I can't help but wonder what it is going to be next time!!

Showing us where he ate the screw, not what he ate.

Isn't he just too cute sitting here?!

again, showing me where it went...

crashing a little, it is after our bedtime you know

playing with a pen the nurse gave him (seriously, you think he would learn to keep things out of his mouth!)

Plain as day! There is no mistaking this one!

They are so cute walking down the hall

He's trying to break out of our room!

He had enough, he wanted to go home.

Look at that cute little face! Don't you want to squeeze his cheeks?!

They finally let us leave after almost 3 hours. Brody was starving so I gave him a quick snack when we got home before putting him to bed.

Checking out his boo boo. Yeah, Brody got a boo-boo while in the ER! How does that happen? He got a pretty nasty splinter, it was really thick and almost as long as my pinkie nail!

The next morning we were getting ready to leave for school and I saw that Brody had something in his hands... it was a screwdriver and a screw!! Does he not learn?! I leaned over to take them from him and this is what I saw...

What the...!?!

Brody? Whatcha doing?


Yup! I did that!!

Does this boy have a death wish? I think he just might kill me one of these days!! He is so crazy! Even since then we have caught him with different screws in his mouth, nails, wing nuts, toys... it doesn't help that all of daddy's tools are in the soon to be foyer! He seems to have stepped up the shoving things in our mouth routine he is such a goober! I don't even know where he is finding some of this stuff! *Sigh*


Michelle said... boys are SO mild compared to that! :) I get heart palpatations just thinking about going through that! You are one amazing mamma! I'm so glad that God has His hand Brody!

Devin said...

Julie, that is seriously unbelievable! When I saw that x-ray I almost died! Crazy. I am so glad he is okay....that REALLY could have been bad! Praise the Lord for keeping Brody safe (and you sane!!)

Hummel Family said...

OH MY! So, glad he's fine. That silly goober. I about died when I saw the last few pics!!!!! :) I think he wants to be just like his daddy when he grows up!