Sunday, March 15

Kylie's School Program

Last month was the Winter Jubilee at Kylie's school. They had some around the world type theme and Kylie's class was from Israel. Kinda took me by surprise when she told me she couldn't wear a pony tail to the performance because of those little circle hats jews wear wouldn't stay on her head! I was like Huh? What are you wearing? (I didn't know about the around the world theme or that she was from Israel yet!)

One of the first songs they sang they held hands and walked in a circle around the chairs on the floor (where half the parents were sitting). The first group of kids walked to the left, then the next group of kids walked right, then the third walked left again, and so on and so on. It was really cute, Kylie's group was the first one (they went by grade) and we were in the second row from the back so we got a great view of her as she passed.

and passed...

...and passed

Each class sang songs from their country

And then all the classes got back together and sand Love in any language together (Do you see Kylie?) It was a nice performance, much better than the last one!!

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