Monday, March 23

The Kids Rooms

If you are on facebook this is old news... (but only by a day). We finally got the girls beds painted and in! They've only been ready for paint since August!! Oh my!

I can't wait for 'becca to come paint flowers on the green wall. What do you think? I'm having a hard time picturing it...

Here is a quick shot of Brody's new room.

I painted it the same color as the room he just moved out of. (I moved him because he and the girls were keeping each other awake, and knocking on the walls and talking to each other and stuff like that. Plus his new room is supposed to be smaller than his last one, but I think the last one was actually smaller so that was another bonus reason.) We only put the beds in last night so nothing is hung yet or anything like that. I'll have to post more pictures when they get hung.

I had Deric cut me a piece of plywood to put on the top bunk and put Brody's car rug up there it gives him his own special place to play. I think it is a pretty great idea, especially since we still can't find our other mattresses!
Last night Brody slept in his new bed for the first time and did a pretty good job. He came out 2 times, the first time was because his baby fell between the bed and the wall, and the second time was because the cat came in his room and he doesn't like that! (If we accidentally put him to bed with the cat in his room he would flip out, it's crazy! Sometimes it is hours later, I often wondered if Frankie jumped in his crib or something!)

He has this whole bed, and he sleeps sideways at the top! What a goober!

Just in case you are wondering we have the drawer that isn't in. The glide on the bottom is broken so I left it out after cleaning it.


jodes said...

Where is his new room?? Your old one? They all look great!

Julie said...

Yeah, he is in our old room (the one on the end). He kept goofing off with the girls so now there is an empty room in the middle. The empty room is now Mommy's room! My scrapbooking/sewing room! Bummer is I have to be quiet during naptime since they are on both sides of me now!! It's ok though, it's not like I talk to myself while working... unless I'm grumbling at myself for screwing up! :0)

Michelle said...

The rooms look great! I'm so impressed. You do a great job making a beautiful home!

Marlana said...

Everything looks amazing and adorable! Great job!