Friday, May 1

Dressing Up

I know some of you already saw this on facebook, but I had to post it here too. We were getting ready for Easter and I was trying the girls clothes on to make sure I knew what they were going to wear so we wouldn't be rushing around last minute the next day. I was trying to make their dresses a little puffier by adding a dress up skirt under them so I had a bunch of them laying on the bathroom floor.

...and then I saw this cute little thing!

what a cute little girl err boy!

What a little goober, he is all decked out in his sisters stuff! I do LOVE this little scrunched up cheese face, it is one of my favorites!

Checking out his duds

I love how he is holding the hat here, he looks like a Southern Belle. And don't worry, I changed him after I took the picts. But I had to get it on film first!


Michelle said...

i love it!
He is so so cute! What a great set of pictures for his high school year book someday!

Devin said...

Oh my word I am laughing my head off! That is so, so funny!