Tuesday, May 12

Mommy Spa Day

Last week Kylie came home from school with this cute Mommy Spa invitation in her backpack.

  MommySpa  MommySpa-1

I thought it was great until I started to read it!   Apparently Kylie was going to be my personal attendant and give me the full spa treatment at school!  Ack!  I hate getting messed with, and I am pretty sure I have hair-a-phobia!  (I don’t like my hair getting messed with by anyone, not even a hairstylist.) 


Me on the way to get all glammed up!

There were 8 different stations that our personal attendant would take us to and give us the royal treatment.  


Here we are at the hair station, they had a bunch of different clips and hair bows and of course hair spray!


I tried getting a picture with all my clips in, but I kept missing and only ended up with a picture with the one clip.


The next station we stopped at was the manicure station.


Kylie painted my nails this lovely shade of pink… and my other hand purple!  (If you look in the picture above you can see the purple nail polish next to the pink one.)


There was a snack station, your child served you your snack and then gave you a massage!  After that Kylie painted my toes, she touched up the color they already were, then added a ‘wet’ coat, and then a glitter coat!


…then came the makeup!  She actually didn’t do an awful job… she did put eye shadow stripes on my cheeks, but what was she to do there wasn’t any blush!


Kylie’s pants got all wet when we did the foot soaking station, oops!  I really liked that station, she was really good at rubbing the lotion in my feet.  I just might make her do it again!


And finally our ‘after’ shot.

1 comment:

Hummel Family said...

Oh Julie, you are a good sport!!!! What a cute idea though! I'm sure Kylie loved pampering her Mama!