Wednesday, February 25

Kylie's Snowman

Many weeks ago (as it seems all my posts are these days!) we went over to my parents house to go sledding. Brody still hates the snow so it works out great. The girls sled and mommy stays inside with the little man. Except this time I was forced got to stay out with them, while Mamoo stayed in with him. So after a bit of sledding (them, NOT me) we headed down to the lake. The girls always talk about walking on the lake so we had to do that of course! There was a coating of snow on the ice so it was really rough and not slippery at all. It kinda made it less fun, but we took care of that! (I'll post the videos at the end.)

Kylie really wanted to build a snowman, so Reygann had enough and went inside but Daddy, Kylie, and I got busy.

Umm, I don't think you are supposed to sit on it!

stacking it up

helping to give him a little more shape

And the finished product...

and the finished product!

Mommy and Daddy each made a side. 2 snowmen for the price of 1!

So which one do you like better?
After being disappointed by the ice we realized that the ice under the dock was still smooth as glass, so we started playing on that. Obviously that is a little hard to do, but not when Daddy is there!

1 comment:

jodes said...

Those videos are so funny!!!!