Tuesday, May 19

Happy Birthday Papoo!

Yes, this is from a while back. How'd ya guess? It was the coats, wasn't it? My dad's birthday was in March and my sister and I wanted to throw a party for him with the grandkids. We always do something for mom for St Patty's day so we thought it would be fun to do something for dad too. Joan worked it out with Mom and found out Dad was going to be home so we got our supplies and packed up and headed over to their house. It was really cold and windy out and it started to rain, so we ran up to the house to find the doors locked! Then we noticed that Dad's truck wasn't there!! Oh no! We called mom back and she called dad and found out that he ran out to do an errand! We piled back into the cars to stay warm and dry while we waited for mom to call us back. But before we left we took a picture of the kids outside to prove we were there!!
And I took a picture to prove that it had been raining on us!
I don't remember what it was, but I had something for Dad to pick up so Mom called him and asked if he could pick it up on his way home. Joan and kids hung out while we waited for him to show.

Once he was in the house the kids attacked him with shouts of Happy Birthday and party horns!

The cupcakes had seen better days, but what do you expect when the kids were carrying them around all morning.

Then he opened his present... Look at that face, he really like it!

Showing off his present.

Happy Birthday Papoo!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I Love seeing your daddy! He looks great!