Tuesday, November 18


About 3 weeks ago I was fretting what to do about our bathtub. We knew the one we wanted, but it was about $800! I didn't really want to spend that on a tub, but at the same time I didn't really want to get a tub I wasn't going to be happy about. On a whim I checked Craigslist and there were a bunch of tubs on there, but one stood out. It was the exact tub I was looking for! It was for some development company in Chicago and it was an extra. It was brand new and they were only asking $200! Sounds like a deal to me! I was so excited! I quickly got busy making phone calls and arrangements to get the tub.

Driving into Chicago. The kids thought all the buildings were so neat!

We picked out the Sears Tower and talked about how it is the tallest building in Chicago.

We watched a barge go under a bridge.

And saw some cranes working on some buildings.

They thought the froggy on the building was pretty cool

and they wanted me to take a picture of the grill for daddy

and the daddy store (Harley Davidson) sign too.

They really liked this castle building.

They thought the giant guitar was pretty cool too, and thought daddy might be big enough to play it.

We stopped at the 50's McDonald's for lunch, although I don't think it is called that any more. All the 50's stuff was gone, and it looked a lot different than I remember it!

They had a section decorated in the different styles of the decades in one area, and the girls took turns going from area to area testing out all the chairs.

Only in Chicago would a McDonald's bathroom look like this!! (And only in Chicago would it cost $28 to feed 2 adults and 3 kids!)

Chillin' out
PaPoo sat on the edge of the chair to look at the displays with the kids, but the sides were just a cushion and it fell back and Papoo fell into the chair. Pretty much how Kylie is doing here.

Granted he didn't fall all the way to the floor!

Having fun with Papoo

Reygann looks so small in this chair!

Checking out the Pez dispenser display

Sitting with 'our family' outside.

Checking out the little boy

Are you real?

Kylie was hitching a ride on the bike

and Papoo was trying to throw Brody out!

Believe it or not, Reygann was telling Papoo he couldn't throw Brody out!

The Rainforest Cafe was across the street from McDonalds so we walked over there so the kids could see it.
Kylie loved the big moving butterfly

Sitting with the Gorilla

We finally saw the Sears Tower. The girls and I hopped out at a red light and walked across the street so they could get a better look at just how big it was.

Checking it out

I wish I had the little camera with me so I could get a more full shot

The building looked big, but not that big. Until the girls stood at the bottom! They actually stood there one at a time and the other stood back a little with me so the could each see how big the building was compared to each other.

Standing where the girls were. We walked around the corner were dad had pulled over and I saw a sign on the building that said John Hancock Building! Oops, we had the wrong building! Oh well, maybe next time we will get the right one!

Another Princess castle building

We drove through Navy Pier, we thought about stopping but it was just too expensive and didn't.
You guessed it another Castle building

They liked this one too

We drove past the bean, we thought the kids would think it was cool. We though about jumping out again, but decided against it. We need to leave something for another day.

We accidentally took the Sky way home, oops. But right after the toll booth there was a McDonalds! Right there on the highway! Crazy!

It was a long day for my little man, and he was asleep in no time. Soon as we got out of Chicago that is, he was too busy looking around then. Thanks for taking us Dad, we had a great time with you!


Devin said...

Oh, that post brought back some very GREAT memories! I LOVE Chicago....

LOVED all the pics Julie, and congrats on the tub! Yay for deals like that!

jodes said...

Wow, there were so many things i wanted to comment on. But i won't. Looks like you all had a lot of fun. Too bad i had the day off, I could have met up with you guys!

No pictures of the tub!?

Michelle said...

Made me so homesick for Chicago! Glad you got a good deal on your tub...and how long was that red light, you got a lot of picture taken!

Marlana said...

Looks like you had a great time. Love the pictures. So did you get the tub? What a great deal!

Julie said...

Yes, we picked up the tub. We picked it up first thing. I don't know if I have a picture of it or not, but I'll add one if I do.

And to clarify, we jumped out at the red light. Dad was going to drive around the block until we were ready. But instead he pulled up and there was a bunch of open loading spots right infront of the building so he pulled in there and waited for us.

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

So fun! The first castle building...we call it the white castle building is AT &T!