Tuesday, November 11

This one is for you Jody

I took these in the middle of breakfast for ya. Here is Reyganns haircut

and the back

Kylie wanted to show her haircut off too, you really can't tell, but I cut off 4-5 inches and layered it a bit.

And finally my little sink head Brody. It isn't too bad, but I like it better a little longer on the top.


jodes said...

Thanks Julie! I see what you're saying about Brody's hair... its not that bad, but longer on top is good. At least you didn't pull a joan. ;o) Kylie's hair is so long! Its fun how you gave each girl their own look, one long and one short. Was that intentional?

Marlana said...

I love all of them, especially R's. Good job!

Michelle said...

very nice with the hair and I'm VERY impressed that you did it yourself! You could do that for a business!

Julie said...

Did anyone notice that I called Brody a SINK head instead of a SKIN head? He-hee. Oops!

Their own looks just stood out to me, I new when Kylie was a baby that bangs suited her. And Reygann I just knew that they didn't. I think Kylie's face is too round to pull off short hair with out it looking bad all the time and Reyganns always looked tangled when it was long. She did have lovely curls and when I cut her hair the first time I was hoping that the rest of her hair would have more of a wave to it since the lenght was off, but no luck. I think the short sassy look just fits her sassy self. I don't know how to explain it, I just cut their hair to match their personality.