Saturday, November 8

Sleeping Reygann Video

When I posted about Brody falling asleep at the table I asked if I had posted about when Reygann did too. It turns out I DID post about this before, but I didn't have the luxury of adding a video. So here you go! It made us laugh watching it again! She was so stinking adorable and little looking, I can't believe it was only a year ago!

This was before we switched to the new side of the house. Our kitchen was so small there wasn't enough room for a real table for all of us to eat at. So Kylie ate at a little drop leaf table, Reygann ate in the booster seat in a little nook, and Brody was small enough to eat in his bouncy seat still, Daddy and I ate on the floor (or couch) in the family room. That is probably why we didn't notice Reygann falling asleep!

The first video Daddy calls her name and wakes her up she wakes up and is really groggy still and falls back asleep (did you see the food stuck on her head fall off?).

The second time she looks really worried and she says 'I'm not done yet', I think she was scared we were going to take her food from her or something! (Pardon my stupid voice, Brody crying in the background, and Kylies goofy giggles!) She was really wondering what we were all doing there standing by her chair! She said she needed something for her hands cause they were messy, and asked us 'why we were here for' (another stupid giggle, I don't really sound like that!) She pretends to fall asleep again and I just LOVE the way she says 'I falled asleep!' and the way she rubbed her nose in both videos. She then wanted to see her 'falled asleep' it took me a minute to realize she wanted to see the video of herself! Aww...


Marlana said...

The videos are adorable! She talked like a little munchkin.

jodes said...

she's so adorable!! i love her little voice. I can't believe that was only last year!

Devin said...

That is just too, too funny. I'm working on posting Cameron's...I've got it uploaded, now just have to find the time to post it!