Friday, November 14

An only child once again

Last Wednesday after dropping the girls off we headed over to the mall to put the finishing touches on our Christmas shopping. We drove through Starbucks and got a treat to split while shopping and of course we got a cup of whip for Brody too. He wasn't nearly as funny this time with it. Instead of shrieking with joy every 2 seconds he just chowed down.
Showing off his whip

He got some on his nose, when he means business he means business.

Doesn't he look like a 'real' coffee drinker here?
I got this *brilliant* idea to borrow a backpack baby leash thing, and let him go to town like a big boy instead of taking the stroller. It didn't quite go as planned to say the least! I did take him for a practice walk to the barn and back and he did great! I was stoked, it would be great to let him walk on short trips instead of having to lug his heavy self around all the time.

First things first we took him on a ride on the Christmas train. I wasn't about to pay $6 for all the kids to go, but since we were only down to one it was totally justifiable! Deric is trying to hide from the camera, he really didn't want to ride it with Brodes...
I don't think it helped that Deric's boss was sitting not too far in the kiddie area!
Brody was so excited about the train, and then couldn't care less! I was kinda bummed, I just spent an arm and a leg to go on this silly thing, you better be elated the whole time!
Isn't this kinda cute? It is a puppy backpack, and the parents hold on to the puppy's tail. It is still a little odd, but it is better than a baby harness! He took off walking and we were doing great.
... for about 5 steps, and then he wasn't thrilled (could you tell?). I think he wanted to run, but couldn't (since daddy was hanging on to the tail) and it made him completely melt down.
This is Brody melting down. He actually started crying and threw himself on the floor. He was sprawled out not happy! I still had the camera in my hand since it was only 2 seconds since we let him start walking, and snapped a picture of him there in tantrum mode. At the exact same time Deric tossed Brody's sweatshirt at me as he bent down to pick him up. And this is the picture I got. He tossed the sweatshirt directly on the camera, like a coat on a coat hook and totally ruined the shot! What are the odds? I thought about asking him to put him back down so I could capture this moment forever and decided against it.
This is pretty much how Brody spent the rest of the time (well, when Daddy was holding him that is. We took turns since he is so heavy and wiggly!). I gave the puppy back the next day. I'm sticking to my stroller from now on!


Devin said...

Hey! We've ridden that exact same choo choo...are you at the Orland Mall in these pics?

Michelle said...

DId you say you're putting the FINISHING touches on your Christmas shopping? Ummmm..yeah...we're going to start that soon. :)

Julie said...

No, I am not at Orland mall. (But oh how I do love going there!) The train is pretty new to our mall, maybe the one from Orland moved here? The train guy said they were going to be here till March, so it seems like he moves around a lot.

Yep, finishing touches! Yea for me! I have to get something for my MIL and SIL, but they said before they just wanted visa gift cards, so that is easy as pie! I think I am done, but I always remember someone or something I forgot!