Monday, December 15

The drywall is half way done!

Deric's dad came over Sunday to help hang. It was a good thing too, I woke up with a cold that KICKED by butt! I was down for the count there was no way I was going to be any help to anyone!

Hanging the first sheet on the wall!!

Oops, maybe it wasn't the first sheet... I thought it was. It was the first sheet I caught on camera.

The first room is done. We had to leave some of the pieces in the closet out so we could get into the other rooms.

Looking from the foyer, the playroom is completely closed in. Our bathroom, our closet and the powder room are all done (along with the playroom). That leaves our room, the hall closet, and the foyer to go!

I wrote our names on the wall behind the bathroom wall. It was hard to do and hard to take a picture of because it was behind a stud, but I did it.

Our bath (standing in the sink again)

And in the door way

Our closet
Hopefully I will have more to report this weekend!


jodes said...

Its looking like a real house! You must be thrilled!

Marlana said...

Wow, this is so exciting for you guys!

Tim, Lisa, Logan, and Nathan Wilson said...

YEAH!!! A real big step considering where you were last year!

Devin said...

It's looking GREAT Julie!

(Can you believe that Shane and I hang 12 footers--on the ceiling--by ourselves, without a lift?!)

And, YES I'm serious--it takes me 2 days to recover!

Saves a jack rental, though...and I'm all about cheap labor *giggle*