Tuesday, December 16

Getting Started

Aaahhhhh!! We're starting!!

The first bit of glue going up!

The first sheet is in place and he's screwing it in

It's kinda hard to see, but the yellow thing is a drywall lift we rented. It was SO nice! Granted we (Deric and I) still had to lift the 12 foot long sheets onto the lift!

We had to take the baby gate down so we could pivot the sheets. Brody noticed and came in to help us.

I sent him out to get shoes on, and he came back wearing Regyanns sparkly shoes!

Working on the house in his fancy shoes

Daddy had to go out to the barn, so I got Brody dressed. And he went to town climbing on the walls in the house, it was much easier to do wearing his own shoes!

Kylie came in and showed off her climbing skills.

Reygann was pouting because she wanted to too, but was too scared.

With a little reassurance I convinced her to give it a try even if she was scared. And she did it! She even got down on her own, I stood there in case she fell but she did great.

Even Frankie came over for a minute... but he wasn't thrilled and turned tail and was gone.
We got all the ceilings done in one afternoon. We actually got them done quick enough that we took the kids to the live Nativity at a local Church and then went to the Saturday night service at our Church so we could work on the house more on Sunday.

1 comment:

jodes said...