Saturday, December 20

Playing in the Snow

Yes Devin, they did play in the snow. I tried to get out of it, but Daddy made me come too! I didn't last long though!

After 2 hours the kids were finally bundled up and ready to play! Don't you love how he is a mish-mash of pieces? Blue snow pants, black and grey coat, green froggie rain boots, and pink mittens!

The girls weren't much better, but Brody took the cake as worse dressed!

Since daddy insisted that I come out too I made him take the camera while I got dressed myself.

Of course they had to make snow angels!

Doesn't he look thrilled?

He put the camera in the garage and I picked it up on my way out. I thought they were all cute playing there together...
Kylie was pretending to be a snow plow, yes folks a Snow Plow!

Of course Reygann wanted to be like her big sister, so she played snow plow too.

Brody was standing there crying! He hated being in the snow!

See? He HATES it! We tried getting him to like it with no luck. Daddy and the girls tried to make a snowman, but the snow wasn't right and it didn't work so well.

This is what we ended up with. And it is that tiny! After that Brody was still freaking out so I got to take him in! YESSS!!! Daddy followed a few minutes later and we let the girls stay out. They were out there FOREVER. They even saw the neighbor out and went over there and helped shovel their deck. Reygann being the bold thing she is asked if she could have a popsicle! (They would give them popsicles when they would come over in the summer.) They didn't give her one, but they gave them 3 packs of fruit snacks though. The Huge packs, not the little ones. It was really sweet that they gave one for Brody too. We have great neighbors!


Marlana said...

I didn't even realize you guys had gotten snow. All I've heard about are the ice storms which we've had some of down here too. No snow down here though.

Devin said...

Oh my word, I'm cold just looking at the pictures.


It is -3 here right now. And that is not including the wind chill....

Did I mention I hate the cold, and that you are mommy of the year for taking them out in that weather? Seriously.

And, Brody looked awesome, by the way...just as a kid should look to go out in the snow! (We have no matching snow gear at all...that what you get when you shop at rummages!)

Mommy. Of. The. Year.

Michelle said...

Wow, I hate snow too, Brody and I can hang out together inside next time! I do like that the girls were playing snowplow though!