Saturday, January 31

House Update

So of course once again I am so behind on my blogging! And I should really be painting now instead of this, but oh well! I haven't done a house update in a while so here goes... The drywall is taped, sanded, primed, and mostly painted! I still have to paint the foyer and powder room and I'll be done! Oh, I have to fix the glaze in our room again too. I'll be glad to be done with painting for a while, but I don't get a break. There is 600+ sq ft of trim to stain and varnish! Plus all the rest of the lumber for the stairs and stuff. I kinda feel like I'm going to be holding progress up since you can't do the floors till the baseboards are on. I ordered our bathroom tile yesterday, so Deric should be tiling our bathroom next weekend! So I really should get busy!

Deric had to take the old header out to finish opening up for the stairs.
When he took the plastic down I kinda got a feel for how it was going to look when it's finished. The hole has always had a wall, moving blanket, or plastic up so I've never really seen the whole thing before!

Brody was helping to steady daddy while he worked on the taping.

He did this to me while I was up there taping the plastic down and I nearly fell off the ladder (and the stairs too!)

Two Sundays ago we headed to Menards after Church. We got a TON of stuff for the house, but there were a few things they didn't have so after we were done there we headed to Home Depot. After already being at the 'daddy store' for forever we really needed some chill time. We needed a flat cart to get some bigger items, and the other kind for all the trim and of course neither kind comes with a place to put your kids! So without any other options we let Brody run free! He did a really good job obeying and staying with us, but got a little restless while we were picking out the trim (I don't blame him, we were there forever I was getting restless too!)

Brody was being helpful picking out trim for daddy

He was all up in the rack picking out the perfect pieces for daddy!

Our caravan

See how helpful he is being?
Hi guys, I'm cute! Did you know that?
Reygann was in her own little world near the cutting station. It was already way past nap time so I thought she was just standing there in a daze...

I was wrong, she turned around and she was covered in sawdust!! She had been sweeping it with her hand and sprinkling it on the floor!

Kylie found a spindle and pretended to use it as a cane. That was a hit! Pretty soon all of them had 'canes'!

Here they are pretending to be old people!

Look at those hunched bodies! Aren't they so funny!

We FINALLY left the trim area and moved on to toilets. This is the girls favorite part of the store. They love going under the shelves and walking through the maze of boxes. This time they took this game to the next level by actually crawling over the boxes too. Even Brody joined in on the fun.

We ended up not getting home till just before 7! It was a crazy (but fun) long day. We left for Church by 10 and only went to the 2 home stores. That is some serious shopping!


jodes said...

those pictures are great - especially the cane ones! LOL!! Brody is such a cool little dude.

Michelle said...

I love that they're having such a great time at Menards! :) So fun.

Unknown said...

phew! so i just did a marathon review of your blog. it was a lot of wilsons lol anyway, so i'm caught up now. i'm not going to comment on all your posts just know i saw them lol