Friday, January 23

My Little Princesses

This was totally my girls the other morning (fast forward it to 9:50)... I'll wait for you to watch it.

But lets back track a little... The girls keep telling me that they are cold so I've been looking for another blanket for their beds... but man are they pricey!! (Especially when you need 2!) So when I was walking through Target I ran across these cute quilts on clearance! Woo-hoo!! I just love them! I was in a rush when I got home so I left my bags in the car (I don't remember what I was out doing, but it was just Brody and me). The next day Deric's truck was full of stuff for the house and he didn't have time to empty it before work (the back was hanging open) so I told him to take my car cause I didn't have plans to go anywhere, and if I really had to go somewhere I could take a few things out till I could close the back... Anyways (dang bunny trails!) I grabbed my Target stuff from the back and brought it in, the kids were already sleeping so I threw their new quilts over them so they would be warmer, not thinking that they were going to be surprised in the morning! They were so shocked!

They called me and told me I had to close my eyes because they had a surprise for me! I pretended to be surprised and asked them how they got them, and if they stole them! (The Little Princess was accused of stealing the quilt and other stuff.) They started shrieking that they didn't steal them, and I told them I was going to call the police! I grabbed the camera and took a video of them, except they were in that goofy mood now and then couldn't even remember the name of the movie, and I think Reygann was still half asleep my little zombie!

Anyways pardon the video... the messy bookshelve... and the lack of headboards and foot boards! (Believe it or not the headboards and foot boards are painted and just need a second coat... and yet they sit, untouched. Sigh.)

I really, REALLY want the matching shams for this, but they are sold out in my store! :0( I have called all over the place around here trying to find them, I have called so many stores I have the skew number memorized (060101139, see)!! We are going on a little trip Sunday so I am going to see if we can stop at Target out there so I can check... I already called them and they didn't have any (much less 2) but there is bound to be more than one Target, right!? I've even hunted online and they don't have them either, I am SO bummed!


jodes said...

Regyann is so cute. Not a morning person, huh? love the dazed look.

Michelle said...

I love their surprise over little things, so fun. I can look out here for you and see if I can find the shams. Do they go by a name or should I just look for the colors?

Julie said...

Thanks Michelle! I would LOVE it if you could look for me! There isn't a name for the quilt, I just look for the right colors and stuff and I ask the people to look it up for me (item number 060-10-1139). For whatever reason they aren't as cheep as the quilts, but I'll still take them I just want to pull it together now. I'll send you a pict of the tag that was on the quilt so you have a better idea what you should look for. Thanks SO much!!